Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More fountain photos

Camille sent these pictures of the fountain. I thought I would share.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Here are some photos of the gardens' progress through July. We haven't been home much this summer, but we managed to get quite a bit accomplished when we were here. Enjoy. I have!

Rock Fountain

We have been looking forward to having a rock fountain installed in our backyard landscape. When I was at my physical therapists I learned that her husband owned Cascade Landscape and Design in Ammon,Idaho, www.cascadelandscape.net. They helped us find the rock that we wanted. They drilled the hole through it and installed the water feature in our backyard. Joel and I had gathered rocks that we liked, and I placed those around the fountain. We are really pleased with it. We wanted something that kids can play on. It met all of our expectations.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Hauling Gravel into the garden paths

This first photo is of Abe, my son-in-law, helping me mix the soil for the vegetable beds.
Wednesday afternoon I had 7 cubic yards of gravel dumped on my driveway. By Thursday evening it was in place in the backyard. I put weed barrier under all of it. It was very labor intensive (10 hours) but I think it made it look nice and finished.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Results of May's work

Photos for May happenings

May's happenings

We worked a lot in the yard this last month. Abe (my son-in-law) helped me mix the soil for the first three vegetable beds. We used the recipe from the Square Foot Garden book. Joel helped me mix the soil for the last two vegetable beds and the long flower bed at the back of the property.

Joel worked very hard to get the drip systems in. Now we just set the time and just like magic - it gets watered!

I love the back flower bed. Joel gave me money for the flowers for a birthday gift. Bless him. I had so much fun in the green house picking out some of my favorite flowers.

The little garden by the fence (with the three white trellises) is planted with Zinnias and Sweet Peas.

I decided to try growing tea roses - again. I hope the Idaho winters will spare them! I planted those in Southern exposures, next to the house. Hope it is warm enough.

I had so much fun planning this yard. Joel is a sweetheart to execute all of my dreams in this yard. Thank you Joel!

Keep checking back. I will be putting gravel around all the vegetable beds and under the trampoline. We are going to put in a water feature soon.

Joel gave me a lounge chair for my birthday. He said it is a place to sit and enjoy my gardens and yard.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Front Yard

We added a lot of peat moss and steer manure to the front garden.

We planted a Red Canadian Cherry, Camperdown Elm, Frechia, red twig dogwoods, yews, burning bushes, rose bushes, lupine, ladies mantle, Russian Sage. I'm sure there will be more plants put in over time.

Square Foot Garden Vegetable Beds

Joel has done a fine job of planning and building the raised vegetable beds. We used Pecky Cedar 6X8's. We will fill them with a mixture of Peat Moss, Vermiculite, and compost. I can't wait to garden in this fine soil!

Back yard

I have started a back corner perrenial garden. The Hollyhocks are planted against the house. There are also some Oriental Poppies planted here. I want to make this a vibrantly colored garden area. The Weeping Pussy Willow on the corner will mark where I turn the color pallet to softer hues.

So far, we have eight trees planted in the back yard: Honey crisp apple tree, two Prarie Fire crabs, Deborah Maple, Canadian Red Cherry, Plum, Weeping Pussy Willow, and if I can find one - a Corkscrew willow.
We also planted ten Lilac bushes around the trampoline.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Progress through April

I set out the path through the back garden area. It will be lined in brick and paved with crushed gravel, with stepping stones down the middle.