Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Landscape borders and grass in

We were able to get the grass planted by mid September, after installling the steel landscape borders. Since we had a mild autumn, the grass came in pretty well.

The second to last photo shows where we will install the stream in the backyard. Joel and I collected the pile of rocks. We are excited to install it in the spring!

The canvas is set, and ready for flowers and trees in the spring. It will keep me dreaming all winter.

This last photo is a picture of my lemon tree. It grew seven lemons this last year. They were all deliciously sweet! (Thank you, Valine)

Trenching for Sprinkler Systems

I think this step in the process of putting in a yard is grueling! Basically, a lot of the work you put in smoothing the yard, and marking borders is wiped out. But Joel did a fantastic job of installing the sprinkler system. It took him about 2 weeks of "after work" work to complete it. You will see in the next post the pipes and valves for the raised garden beds.

Back yard ready for trenching

It took most of the summer to get the yard this ready. We also had the fence installed.

The yard is smooth and ready for trenching

These photos show the front and back yard ready for the trenching for the sprinkler systems. You can also see the trenching for the landscape borders.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

New House - New Garden

We have moved to a new house. I will be starting all over with a new yard and gardens. I'm actually excited about new projects.

These new photos are pictures of my "blank canvas." I have already been raking and trying to establish grade before we begin.

We will have the fence put in August 15th.

I have included a rough draft of our yard design.

Check back periodically for progress. I should be done in a few years!